martes, 10 de febrero de 2009

I wonder...

Does only sad moods lead to the irreprimible impulse to write?
I wonder why those feelings are so powerful in that sense, meanwhile others like joy do not make us jump and say 'I just need to write this down or I'm gonna explode!!' (except obviously the stupidity part of falling in Love)...
I am very interested in anxiety. Does our mind use it as a general method to make us move to do what our Ego thinks it needs?
I use to be some depressed, since I have memory (and I have a lot ;-)) and generally I do not have any special strong impulse about anything...well that's not totally right. When I think of my girlfriend and my two sons I feel something strong...It's quite weird in fact, as I cannot determine whether whatever I feel, (I assume It's a specially strong love feeling), makes me feel excited or calm. It's some kind of happyness very difficult to explain. I feel happy, excited, serene and a little sad too, all at the time. Please do not try to make me explain it better because I simply can't.

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